Subject: Do you believe in strophotography Voodoo?

Hello Friend,

     There is some mysterious voodoo involved around astrophotography.

    If you hang around a bunch of astroimagers and listen to them talk, that is what
you might end up thinking.

The belief that you need umpteen thousands of dollars worth of equipment and expensive CCD
cameras and that you will be able to take hubble like pictures first night out.

    And I have actually seen some folks go ahead and do exactly that, despite being told not to.

But some people like to learn the hard way.

In fact, truth be told I was one of them.

  Many years ago I decided to dabble with CCD imaging and of course having access to the equipment made it easy to do so.

Plus I had my buddy John, who was a senior IBM engineer so any technical issues would be resolved by
him, as they happened.

   Well, lets just say was one technical issue after another that evening.

In fact, by the time we actually got an image in focus, the sun was starting to rise.

I felt like a real plonker too.

    Ready to plonk down in bed.

Don't you make the same mistake I did or you'll feel like a daft cow.

The best way to get started in doing astrophotography is with this wicked device  right here,

And it's on sale right now,  just in time for Spring and Summer.

Clear skies,

Ray Khan

PS With better and easier to use Digital camera's and CCD imagers  available to amateur astronomers
      today, it is much easier to get great images.  And even the first night out!