Subject: Do whisky and telescopes mix?

Hello Friend,

That's a good question. 

And the answer being: maybe or maybe not.

      Well after much ado at the Northeastern Astronomy forum, held in Suffern, NY last weekend,
we at least managed to come away with some good deals to offer to you just in time for Spring and
Summer observing.

Now back to the whisky.


    Next time you are Manhattan, NY, be sure to visit the Dead Rabbit Bar.  It's a remarkable place.


Well it has the world's largest selection of whiskies, that's why!

Over a 150 in fact.

  I stopped counting the bottles after about 50 or so...

But more importantly, they also  have the real McCoy English pub grub (Ok, so McCoy might have been Irish, but
that's another story.)

   I was there on a Sunday, and it was Roast beef dinner with Yorkshire pudding on the menu.
They even served it with roasted brussel sprouts, and gravy of course.

All washed down with an IPA of course.

      Anyway, back to the special offer:   But be warned it's for one week only.

All NexStar SE series telescopes are on sale, but only until April 30th.

Yep, you got less than a week to snag a deal.

And all models are in stock right now.

Check out the savings on each of these models.

An excellent use of your tax refund.

Nexstar 4 SE

NexStar 5 SE

NexStar 6 SE

NexStar 8 SE

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS One further salient bit of advice I'll give you is never to drink whisky on an empty stomach. 
      Just trust me on this one.   

PPS And the dead rabbit bar does actually serve rabbit on the menu.  Since we once had a pet rabbit
        called fluffy, I never touch the stuff.
