Subject: Did you take offense?

Hello Friend,

    In yesterday's newsletter, I mentioned that we will have to increase prices on many products, due to the
current devaluation of the Canadian dollar against the US dollar, for imported US products.

      That's a fact, and not much any of us can do anything about.

At the end of the email, I mentioned 'Harpernomics', and one reader thought that I was attacking our
Conservative government's present policies, which in fact I was not.

There are many factors beyond the Government's control.

     Truth be told, I am more concerned about the current cost for energy,  like Hydro ( I cringe
every time I receive my hydro bill each month), which are in fact Liberal policies, here in Ontario

    In contrast when I'm at the gas pump, I keep pressing on gas pump handle, because I can't believe
my gas tank is full, at the current prices. :)

Has that happened to you, Friend?

You win some, you lose some. :)

Anyway, like I said, take advantage of the lower prices that we are offering right now, before they
are increased.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Just a few days left for savings on several Meade model telescopes , till Jan 31st.