Subject: Did you observe the Lunar Eclipse and the Planet Uranus?

Hello Friend,

Celestron employee, Kevin Kwai, who does a great deal of public outreach for the organization
took this splendid image of the Lunar eclipse the other night, and with an added bonus:

The planet Uranus was visible in the image.

You can check it out here:

Here is what Kevin said:

"Wanted to try something different--Captured the blue-green planet Uranus (lower left corner) and the eclipsed Moon. Celestron NexStar 6SE, f/6.3 focal reducer, T1i, 1.6 sec, ISO-1600. October 8, 2014.

A testament to the optical quality of the Celestron Nexstar 6 SE. One of my favorite planetary scopes. I recall seeing Jupiter visually
through this instrument and noticed how crisp the Jovian bands were on this planet.

Uranus was originally discovered by astronomer Sir William Herschel, on March 13, 1781.

The 7th planet from the Sun,and one that requires at least a small telescope to spot it.

Oddly enough, he originally thought it was a comet; but the astronomer royale at the time advised him, that indeed
it had planetary like movement.

It's one of planets that I often forget to observe, but when reminded it's there, will also take a look.

Don't expect to see a lot of detail though.

 Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Don't underestimate the capabilities of an instrument like the Celestron Nexstar 6SE. Besides being highly
     portable, it has  excellent optical performance and visual photographic capabilities as well.