Subject: Death of an amateur astronomer

 Hello Friend,

One of the great joys of being in the telescope business, is that I meet so many wonderful
people over the many years I've been in the business of selling telescopes.

Amateur astronomers are great folks who are very friendly, and love the passion of their

So it always saddens me when I hear about the death of a fellow amateur

And one who passed away recently at the young age of 56, was Roland Waugh.

I met Roland over 27 years ago, around the time Khan Scope started.

We were called Scope City back then, and he was a very enthusiastic guy,
who was excited about the return of Halley's Comet in 1986, and that led
him to buy his first telescope from me, when I worked at the old Scope Shop
back in Etobicoke.

But Roland also liked to talk about his pet dog, at the time a Bouvier, whom
he bought to the store a few times, knowing that I enjoy animals.

Sadly, Roland's life took a downturn, when he was hit by a truck while
talking on his cellphone, and crossing the road.

After that, he was never quite the same person, and due to detiorating health
issues, lost his passion for life,

      So today, if you have not told that special person in your life, or your kids,
your pets, or whomever, that you love them, take the time to do so, before it's
too late.

I will miss Roland, and I'm sorry I never got to say goodbye to him in those
final days,as I had lost touch with him since his injury

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan