Subject: David Dunlap Observatory turns 80!

Hello Friend,

   This past Saturday, I was visited the David Dunlap Observatory (DDO)  here in Richmond Hill, Ontario
to take part in their 80th Anniversary celebrations.

It truly was a splendid day, as we listened to several former staff members and directors of the observatory
give some presentations about several of the folks who had worked there in the past, most notably of course
Helen Sawyer Hogg.

   Why even Prime minister Stephen Harper took the time to send a letter of congratulations, presented on
his behalf by a local politician.

     There were also many fascinating artifacts on display from the DDO's past.

The best news it that you can still can visit the DDO over the summer months as they have there
astronomy programs running most weekends, and open to the public.

The DDO is run by some very hard working members of the Toronto RASC, headed by Paul Mortfield
and his wife. 

   These volunteer members have done a terrific job, of maintaining both the telescope and preserving
the history of this fine Canadian institution.

   I strongly recommend you pay a visit if you are able.

You can obtain more information here:

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS It was also great to see former khanscope employee Eric Briggs, who now resides in Buffalo, NY
     and is employed by Spitz Planetariums as a tech.  Yes, Eric was always one to be 'spaced out', and now
     even more so!