Subject: Dang! Speaking of the Avro Arrow

Hello Friend,

    Mostly everyone knows what happened to the Avro Arrow.

A brilliant piece of Canadian technology it was.

The program was scrapped by the Diefenbaker government way back when
and that was that.

    Lot's of theories abound as to why that happened.

But let's just say that mistake is not being repeated this time around.

    As I mentioned yesterday, the Harper government has given the green light
for funding of the Thirty Metre Telescope, being built atop Mauna Kea, Hawaii.

Now some people claim that the Harper government is anti-science.

I think this proves otherwise.

But dang they say, "It's an election year, that's why he's doing it!"

And dang I say, it's going to create a lot of jobs for Canadians,  since a lot
of research and manufacturing for this project will take place right here.

Politics aside, it's also pretty cool that the Prime minister acknowledged the
contribution of amateur astronomers, by inviting James Edgar, President
of the RASC along to the official announcement.

Of course a big vote of thanks goes to Canadian Project director, Dr. Ray Carlberg
who has worked tirelessly the past few years to make this project a reality.

     I had the pleasure of  being at a lecture several years ago when Dr. Carlberg
first talked about the possibility of the TMT (Thirty Metre Telescope).

    And now it's gonna be a reality.

Ok, so perhaps you don't want to spend 283 million dollars on a new telescope,
so here is one I can offer you for significantly less money, but big on the light gathering

Well you might want to check this out:

Introducing the Stargate 18!

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan