Subject: Daily Deal! Explore 11mm Eyepiece & 13mm Ethos Eyepiece on sale-FREE SHIPPING

Hello Friend,

Look Spring is just around the corner, so get ready and get prepared:



See, far too many amateur astronomers have several eyepieces in their collection.

Problem is: They are usually several not very good eyepieces.  

All you have to have is ONE good eyepiece that hit's the sweet spot on your telescope.

So today I am offering you just that:

Your choice of ONE good eyepiece. a discounted price. And FREE SHIPPING to boot.

1st eyepiece: 13mm TeleVue Ethos-

This is the ONE eyepiece I use a good 70% of the time when observing.  It's  a personal favorite
and it works well on the majority of instruments.  

Amateur astronomers who have been in the hobby,
actually face Mecca and bow down to the astronomy gods when they use this eyepiece.

Ok,Al Nagler, the Televue 'god" who designed the eyepiece  is actually Jewish, so that might not be entirely true, but you get the point.

It's discounted right now, and Free shipping,.

2nd eyepiece: 11mm Explore Scientific

Now truthfully,  this eyepiece is great if you are on a tighter budget but still want something that will
keep you happier .   It's actually waterproof too.  I just don't recommend using it when it's raining though.

It's also discounted and Free Shipping as well.

That's a wrap. My glass of Cabernet Sauvignon is nearing empty.

Clear Skies

Ray Khan

PS These eyepieces are only on sale while we actually have stock. Once they are gone, the offer will be pulled down
because that is how our Daily Deals feature works.  Don't be like the Slow Poke Joe that came in wanting the daily deal from 
a week ago, that was clearly over. It does not work that way.