Subject: Cursed by Harry Potter! The Keys to the Universe are within

Hello Friend

I was Cursed by Harry Potter!

Yes, it's true. I have virtually no interest in Harry Potter, and somehow I ended up at

a. stage performance in Toronto last Friday night.

Why? Well my daughter and niece were in. town and wanted to see this show and

nothing else. So being a good dad, I bought the tickets and figured it would be a nice

nap in the theatre for a few hours. This show was actually 3.5 hours long!

Much to my surprise, the show was well executed and had great special effects to boot.

Heck, I could even follow the story.

Now from what I know about the author J.K.Rowling, she is always steeped in controversy

in regards to matters of gender. I think she may have been cancelled by the cancel culture crowd as well.

So to make a statement , she had the two lead male actors act rather fondly

towards each other. It's hard to say, in this screenplay they are rather close shall we say.

Apparently it didn't get her back in good graces. She likely does not care, because she

has so much money that she dosen't have too.

Whether you are a Slitherin or a Hufflepuff, you.may not be in the same boat.

So here is your last chance to save some Big $$$ as the Explore Scientific Keys to the


Comes to an end.

They really are offering some fab deals here.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan