Subject: Cat dies from Covid. Not drinking enough whiskey it seems.

Hello Friend

I’ll get to the poor feline shortly.

We are all doing our best to keep ourselves and our families safe.

I’m sure that’s exactly what your are trying to do.

I’m not a medical doctor, so this is just my opinion based on some of the
facts I’ve heard.

Here are some REAL facts about Covid 19.

This is information from the WHO. World Health Organization.

One of the ways you can contract Covid 19 is either via droplets or direct
Contact with an area or surface that someone may have sneezed on who has

You have to be with someone who has the disease for some time and be in the
same environment with them. So like an office area for example at work.

It’s highly unlikely you will catch it through the air or by passing by
someone that may have it.

Symptoms:? Fever, weakness, cough.

Get a thermometer and check yourself out if you have any of these symptoms.

If you start to feel sick: Isolate yourself in your home in one specific

95% of the cases in China came from family transmissions and from hospitals
in China.

As for Italy, they didn’t follow the protocols that the Chinese figured
As they were trying to find a solution for Covid 19.

Not enough protective gear for the staff, and that helped spread the
disease amongst others.

Stay away from hospitals? They are hotbeds for
Any kind of infection. Especially if your body is weak or sick at the

Which is why people may be dying anyway, and not neccesarily due to Covid

Only go to a hospital if you absolutely have too.

Some easy solutions:
*Wash your hands frequently with soap.
* Use hand sanitizer on a regular basis if you have to go outside to buy
groceries or supplies.
*Stop listening to the News constantly, and all day long.
All it does it create more fear and panic.

Now here is something else you can do pertaining to the hobby of amateur

Dig out your telescope from the closet or basement and get out into your
backyard or
Balcony and do some stargazing.
Take some Astro images. Use your cellphone.
Just do something. Even grab a pair of binoculars and take a look at Venus.
It’s hot up on that planet, so no Venusian likely has the virus, because Covid
Dislikes heat.

Side benefits are that it will have a calming effect for one thing.
You’ll get some fresh air and will likely sleep better as a result.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Self-medicating with hot whiskey and honey, as the first Briton who
Was the first identified with Corona Virus in that country is not
recommended as tempting as it
sounds. He claims it eradicated his Corona Virus. He also refused to
take anti-biotics.
And this dude is a teacher as well. Unfortunately, his cat died
from the virus. Guess he wasn’t giving it enough whiskey? Sheesh.