Subject: Buddy, can you spare 300 million dollars?

Hello Friend,

 During the dirty thirties the phrase often used by those who were unemployed and out of work
was "Buddy, can you spare a dime?".

Here we are in 2015.

Perhaps you have already heard of the Thirty metre telescope (TMT), Friend?

And one of the decisions to be made by the current Stephen Harper government is whether or not to fund
the building of a telescope, in Mauna Kea.

 Canada's share to do so? 

300 million dollars.

Now that may seem like a lot of money, but up till now Canadian astronomers and
engineers have  already invested 30 million in this project, from the very
beginning in terms of research and engineering plans.

Already, California, China, India  and Japan have already made their financial committment
to follow through.

Only Canada remains on the sidelines.

Fact of the matter is, that Canadian astronomers need access to larger telescopes, to do groundbreaking

Otherwise, once again all the brilliant engineering plans get handed over to others who benefit
from Canadian brilliance, and we as a country lose out.

York University science dean  Ray Jayawardhana has already stated that without access to an instrument
such as the TMT, being able to do serious research on exoplanet atmospheres with current existing instruments
will be a moot point.

And that's just one example I'm giving you.

Here is hoping that the Harper government will see the light, and approve this project in it's 2015 budget.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan