Subject: Bats in your Belfry?

Hello Friend,

Well perhaps not.

    Do you  remember the ship in the bottle?

You would see them all the time;

A small ship  replica would be placed in a small bottleo
and you had to try to figure out exactly how they did it through such a small bottleneck.

    However yesterday was a slightly different experience.

I had to figure out how to get a small bird, a finch, out of my birdfeeder.

Not as easy as it sounds, Friend.

It's an oblong birdfeeder with see through acrylic and mounted permanently
on our deck.

It was assembled with a lot of glue, and screws so taking it apart
would be an arduous task.

At the top is about a 2 inch hole, with a plastic cover which slides when you want
to put birdfeed in.

Recently, the notorious Mr. Squirrel had broken that cover and was now climbing
directly into the feeder to get to the best seeds.

Clever little fellow he is!

Now the problem was that this small finch had flown in, and was trapped and could
not get out.

     Fortunately my sweetie had a bright idea. 

She obtained a narrow kitchen tong,
with plastic tips, and pushed the bird down towards where the bird seed sits on
the base, and while I scooped out most of the seed that was in the feeder into a bucket.

Then with her fingers, turned the bird on it's side, and gently squeezed it out
from under the acrylic barrier.


One slightly freaked out but happy finch!

A happy ending.

And a happy ending awaits you also, if you take advantage of this special offer
which is also about to end.

Here ya go:

Clear skies,

Ray Khan

PS There are a few different tricks to getting that ship in a bottle. One of them is to put the ship  into the
bottle with the masts down, and raise them into position  once it's in, using small strings.