Subject: Astroporn: Images of the Night Sky

  Amateur Astronomer and astrophotographer Adam Evans was recently a
presenter at the Inaugural "Nerd Nite" at a local pub here in Toronto, called Paupers Pub.
According to Evans "Nerds have taken over".
During the Day, Evan's works building cameras that take aerial photographs of the earth>
Evans, 34 built a sheld with a retractable roof in his backyard to capture "se x y" images of the
night sky. (His words). He calls his work Astroporn.
In the process of explaining how he does it, he had to apologize to the audience for "nerding out".

On the other hand, another fellow from Buffalo, NY drove in to talk about stray shopping carts.
Yes, you read that right! In fact, he wrote a book about it: The Stray shopping carts of Eastern
North America: A guide to Field Identification. (Don't bother checking the best sellers list for this one......)
Go figure......

Now admittedly, I have frequented the Pauper's Pub, as a member of another bunch of Nerdy types,
fellow members of the "Dr Who Fan Club", Toronto, Chapter.  Really it's just an excuse to drink beer

I think.However since the New Dr Who series on Television started a few years ago, the interest has really
grown.(In both Dr Who and Beer it seems!).

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan


Pre-owned Tax-in Scope Event  

3 days Only September Fri  24, Sat. 25 & Sun 26th

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Friday: 10-7
Saturday: 10-7
Sunday: 11-6

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M6A 2T2

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Khan Scope Centre
3243 Dufferin St
Toronto, Ontario. Canada
M6A 2T2
