Subject: Astroimaging made easy and on sale

Hello Friend

I sure hope you and your family are coping well at home.

One of the best ways I have found to cope with this situation is to
maintain some sort of structure and routine in daily life.

That means getting out of bed in the morning at the same time and getting
ready to go to work every day.

While the retail store is closed, we are offering Curbside pick-ups which
can be arranged directly via our website. You place your order online, and
then pick it up from the store.

We are also shipping daily Monday to Friday.

So it’s not business as usual, but it’s business by trial under fire.

As I noted in a previous email, I have done more observing in the past
several weeks than in the entire past year.

So now that we all have more leisure time, it presents a great opportunity
Try your hand at some backyard imaging.

And to do that there is no better product to do that with than the
SkyWatcher Star Adventurer series of products. If you have never dabbled
in Astro -imaging because you fear it’s too technical and hard to do,
these products will demonstrate that it’s not that difficult at all.

Even my adult daughter who is a professional photographer is now trying her
hand at Astro-imaging. Her normal work involves a lot of international
travel so being housebound she is going to utilize one of the Star
Adventurer mounts .

The good news for you is that we have these products on sale this month.

Here is the link:

Be sure to check them out.

My personal recommendation is this unit here, its got everything you need.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan