Subject: Are you making these two observing mistakes with your telescope?

Hello  Friend,

If you want to have a enjoyable night of stargazing, and you are short on time (  then you   want to
make sure that your plan for it.

Would you drive to Timbuktu without a roadmap?

Didn't think so.

Let me explain What I mean?

Mistake #1

Use an astronomy software program or app,  the latest astronomy magazine   and a night sky reference
guide and figure out what are the best objects to observe that particular evening.

Only pick 3 out of that list.  

Then go out and find them, and spend at least 20 minutes looking and observing  each object.

If you have a computerized scope, there can sometimes be a temptation to goto the next object.

Don't do it!

You will find that if you spend time observing an object, you may see subtle nuances that you did not

notice before.  

This get's better over time.  The more you observe an object, the more you will see as your eyes start to
gain visual acuity. 

Mistake #2

Using poor quality eyepieces;  I harp on this all the time because it's so goddamn important. 
To see details, in contrast, you have to have quality eyepieces.   There is no way around it.

If you are on a tight budget,  I understand then give up that $5 daily latte for a month from Starbucks and 
save up for it.

You can find a few good ones right here at Daily Deals:

direct link:

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS I made a mistake last Friday. I said that the TeleVue Delite sale ended March 31st. It turns out I was wrong
, and it's actually 5 days from today, My most humble  apologies.