Subject: Are you confused about eyepieces?

Hello Friend,

One of the questions I often get asked at Star Parties is: "What is the best eyepiece for my telescope"?

Fact is, that their are many objective factors, and some some subjective factors. 

           With the plethora of eyepieces and brands on the market today, no wonder it's so confusing for the
amateur astronomer as to choose which eyepiece to use

 Here are few things to think about:

  • Consider the focal length of your telescope,  to make sure the eyepiece will provide
    the correct magnifications for your particular viewing application. For example,Deep space, clusters, Planets, double stars
  • If you wear eyeglasses ,  while using a telescope, note  the eye relief specification of different eyepieces
  • Apparent field can also be important, depending on your observing target. For example, it's not crucial when observing
    a planet.
  • Always buy the best quality eyepiece that you can afford. Don't skimp here, you'll regret it.

This upcoming long weekend, I'll be attending the Manitoulin Star Party  at Gordon's Park,
and giving a presentation on Saturday August 30th at 7:30pm (right after the pot luck supper)
on choosing and using eyepieces.

If you are interested in attending the event, on the dark sky designated RASC preserve then
check out the details on the website link above.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS If you have a specific question about eyepieces, then drop me an email to