Subject: Are you a sun worshipper?

Hello Friend,

    The Sun has been  has on occasion been shining here in Toronto the past few days, and the weather
struggling to get above the 0 Celsius mark.

It can only mean Spring is around the corner, and with the coldest February on record in  recorded
history for these parts, well good riddance is all I can say.

     Yesterday we got some freezing rain, combined with snow in the evening.

That's a bad combination. 

As  a result  many power lines were damaged and
I saw two big puffs of blue in the sky, which looked liked lightning but
were in fact the grid shutting down.

 I had to read a book by candlelight last night. 

      It was about explorer Ernest Shackleton's trip to Antartica, back in the early 1900's.

Honestly, he and his men were a lot worse off, so really I had nothing to complain about.

      To warm things up a bit, we are offering a 10% discount on three models of the Coronado H alpha
Solar Telescopes.

If you want to do some serious daytime astronomy, then these are the perfect instruments for you.

We only have one of each of these in stock, so when they're gone, they're gone.

      You can check them out here:   

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS  The unbearable cold, and conditions at sea that Shackleton and his crew traversed in their ship called 'Endurance'
       is one of the best adventure stories I've ever read.  Highly recommended.