Subject: Apparently some people are not enjoying my messages. Here is a solution!

Hello Friend,

At the end of every email I send out, there is a link at the bottom to "unsubscribe "

All you have to do is click on it, if you don't want to receive any further messages from me.

Simple you would think, right

Not so for some, it seems.

If  you hit the reply button and send me a message like Bernie S. did over the weekend, which was this:
"Please don't send me your political emails'.

Bernie, all you gotta do is click the unsubscribe button, and you won't hear from me again.

Guess Bernie got butthurt about something I said? 

I don't know.  But Bernie won't be reading this email because I clicked the unsubscribe button on his

  I read every response sent my way, and I also got a polite one from another
 fellow who said that most politicians would lie to get elected, that's just the way.

He also noted that if he were to vote it would likely be for the Green Party.
(I thanked him for reminding me about the Green Party and will discuss Elizabeth May in a future

For now I am going to talk about saving YOU some real GREEN as in $$$$.

SAVE 14%
off the price of the
Celestron Starsense Device for a limited time. 
Regular Price: $468, on Sale right now for Only $399.

It makes auto alignment very easy on your Celestron computerized telescope.
Flip a switch, and skip the two-star alignment process.

It's darn tootin ' easy.  It's like taking Viagra almost.

You get a hard alignment super fast.

No fuss, no muss no wasting your time.

Drink a shot of whiskey while waiting for the under 5-minute alignment process
to magically happen

But don't take my word for  it:

Here is what one of our customers has to say about it:

 Hi, Ray!

Just received my StarSense today, and I just tried it for the first time. You were right, a complete game-changer!!!
It made stargazing fun and not work, for the first time!

Can''t thank you enough for letting me know about this amazing new device? It was worth the wait as well!"

-- Richard Zuccato 

You can also read my test review on the link:

Here it is again: 

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan