Subject: Another kick in the pants to Science, Friend

Hello Friend,

Poor old Sam Mclaughlin.

He's rolling over in his grave once again.

Why you ask?  

Well, his namesake building the  McLaughlin Planetarium building, is going to be torn
down  in Toronto .

You see, Sam made a donation in his will many years ago to fund the building
of said planetarium.

It's part of the Royal Ontario Museum, actually.

And what's going in it's place? Another condo perhaps?

Naw! Outraged community members prevented that from happening
a few years ago.  Not in my backyard!

Toronto needs another condo, like it needs Doug Ford for mayor.

Read on macduff....

Randy Atwood,  Executive director of the RASC of Canada, has wanted to spearhead a project
for a new planetarium in Toronto or Misssisauga for the past few years

Randy is also the founder of Earthshine, an organization that cares about science education,
and that's what a planetarium is all about,

If you want to read more about it, here is what Randy has to say, plus a link
to the Toronto Star article,  which will tell ya what's going to be built in it's place.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan