Subject: And the dumber than the average bear award goes to...

Hello Friend,

I've gotten a few emails from folks telling me not to worry about Coyotes and Wolves attacking humans.

While that may be true, I'm not one to tempt fate.

Are you?

Well, I've gotta say that the "dumber than the average bear" award goes to the many folks who
saw a social media posting about a guy, Jacob Bean who took a close up selfie with a bear, and
decided to do the same.


Now maybe some of these folks have just watched too many Yogi Bear cartoons, and are unable
to distinguish reality from fiction (till it bites them, you know where....).

Your guess is as good as mine, Friend.

As for the Jacob Bean fellow, he finally admitted that his was nothing more than a composite image

Now I've seen a few bears here on the island, and believe you me, I'm keeping my distance from them
at all times.

Now if you want to be" smarter than the average bear", be sure to take advantage of our Meade
LX90 promotion, which ends in just 2 days.

Get 'em while you can... This sale only lasts until December 31st!

Clear Skies,

"Ranger" Ray Khan

PS To avoid any  "Boo Boos", just give us a call toll free , 1 800 580 7160 or local 416 783 4140.