Subject: And now for something completely different

Hello Friend,

Don't you sometimes wish life could be like Monthy Python all year long?

Last night, as I was shoveling the snow from the driveway, and grumbling about how cold it was and feeling
somewhat sorry for myself,  I came to a realization.

  No one has it as bad right now as the children and civilians in the city of Aleppo.
Just the daily gift of life for those people is a huge struggle. Because they could be dead tomorrow.

Yes, we are bombarded daily with the horrible news coming out of that city, and while it seems so far away and distant
the truth is, it is not.  

That shit could end up happening anywhere in the world. 

So I asked myself what I can do about it right now to help make a difference?

It took the focus off my whining and grumbling and frozen fingers for a few minutes.

 My daughter Chantal who is a journalist in the UK, suggested an organization
in Syria, called the White Helmets. 

You might have seen them in the news.

These are just regular folks who have been bankers, tailors or bakers to name a few, who risk their lives to help
dig out people from the rubble when their homes are destroyed.

 They are simply unarmed civilians who want to help.

Here is the link to their organization, please check it out:

We can all make a difference in a small way. 

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan 

PS Other organizations that do amazing work in these countries are the Redcross and Oxfam groups.