Subject: An amateur astronomer that has owned over 100 telescopes

Hello Friend,

      Why would anyone need to own over 100 amateur  telescopes?

Well I wish there were more customers like this fellow, Friend :)

      I dropped by the store Sunday afternoon, and ran into a fellow I had not seen in a little while,
but I've known him for over 30 years.

      He was in the store picking up his latest telescope.

Over  the years, he has purchased and used an great number of telescopes, and as a result has
learnt a tremendous amount about optics and how telescope designs work.

     He has owned at one time or another, just about every optical design there is.

In some cases, he even modified some of the instruments to improve the design and test out
various effects.

    So I asked him what his latest acquisition was, and it turned out to be this telescope: 

    This instrument is quite astounding, Friend.

We talked about how a similar instrument, a 7 inch Questar cost well over $13000 for a 7 inch
Maksutov design.

That's just crazy!

When you can buy this similar design telescope for less than 1/10th the cost.

Today as amateur astronomers, we really don't know how good we've got it in terms of the
quality of products available at very reasonable prices.

And the Sky-Watcher BK MAK180 - 180mm Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope is a good
example of that.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Certainly this individual is an exception to the rule, and might have to join "telescope addicts anonymous"
     and take their 12 step program...:)