Subject: Alien spaceships accelerating at warp speed?

Hello Friend,

   Yesterday I told you about the star called KIC 8462852, and the very strange and yet to
be explained activity going on around it.

       Actually, it was not that long ago that some had suggested that very powerful gamma-ray bursts
(GRBs), which were discovered years ago, were thought by some to be taking place, due to the sonic
boom taking place, as alien spaceships accelerated to warp speed!

(It appears that a lot of astronomers are trekkies as well).

    Eventually, it turned out that they were simply exploding stars.

I remember being at the David Dunlap Observatory several years ago, when late at night
the call came in: Gamma Ray spotted, get the telescope pointing to it as quickly as possible,
and take a ccd image.

   It was a real race, because at the time, no one knew what they were.

Now we do, mystery solved.

So now we must solve another one.  Question I often get asked is what is a decent quality
entry level telescope for CCD imaging.

  This one here is one I suggest amateur astronomers take a look at.

It is on sale this month, till October 31st.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Halloween will be here soon. Our black cat Merlin, is looking forward to it.