Subject: Act Now: DWARF3 Price Increase Coming March 17

We just got word—the DWARF3 is going up $100 starting Monday.

Last week, we mentioned that price increases were coming—and now we have confirmation. 

The price of the DWARF3 Smart Telescope will increase by $100 starting Monday, March 17th.

If you’ve been considering this telescope, you have until Sunday night to lock in the lower price.

Pre-Order DWARF3 Now

Why the sudden increase?
Ongoing supply chain pressures, including tariffs recently put into effect, to our US suppliers are contributing to rising costs across the board it seems. Unfortunately, this means higher prices on some products—including the DWARF3.

Limited Stock Arrives March 20th
Our next shipment arrives March 20th, but supply is tight.  Pre-orders will be filled first of course. Many customers are already waiting.

Pre-ordering now guarantees your unit at the current price.

We understand that price hikes are frustrating (they frustrate us too), and we appreciate your understanding.

Secure Yours Before the Price Increases

– The Khan Scope Team