Subject: A true confession

Hello Friend,

As further evidence of the effect that Guinness Beer can have on you, I confess to making two
serious blunders in previous emails.

Thanks to reader, Caroline Lane, who is doing her best to keep me on the straight and narrow,
I will now be able to state the correct information in regards to the Astronomy space and exploration
program that is on January 23rd, Friday.

Now, getting back to the Guinness for a moment, I must say that frankly there is no pub anywhere
in the world, that compares to a true British pub.

Really, Friend.

And there are a lot of good pubs in London, UK.  One of them being called the Ten Bells, in Spitalfields, UK
where I had a pint this afternoon.  

Just in case that might sound familiar, it's close to the borough of Whitechurch, where none other than Jack the Rippper
plied his , ummm,  trade if you will.  The building is several hundred years old.

Atmosphere? Plenty.

Now who was Jack the Ripper?

We really don't know, but many theories abound.

From  royalty, to a crackpot Doctor due to the precision of Jack's slashing.

You will also find the best fish and chips just around the corner, from the Ten bells pub, at a place
called 'Chippies".  

When you next get to London, be sure to check it out.  

There are no clear skies in London.

However, I am looking forward to meeting up with some old school chums,
that I have not seen in over 40 years.

Wishing you clear skies,

Ray Khan

PS  If you want a particuarly good deal on an entry level telescope, here it is:

PPS Mushy peas? Well, if you go to Chippys, be sure to order them. 
        It's a splendid British treat!