Subject: A quick tip for reducing everyday stresses of life

Hello Friend,

   Stargazing reduces the everyday  stresses of life.

In fact, I think doctors should actually recommend it to clients who might be suffering from an undue amount of stress
in their lives.  

What a cool prescription that would be.

naked eye, telescope, or binoculars, it does not matter.

We all deal with daily stress in different manners.  

I also go to the gym, which helps as well.  

Some folks reduce stress by drinking excessively.  Not a good idea.

It's a fact.  I demonstrated this just last night, while observing the earthshine on the Moon, through a Meade ETX 80mm
backpack telescope.  (,

You can see the setup here:

Yes.   STARGAZING reduces stress.

And you only have to take a few minutes out of your day to enjoy it.  Just seeing close up's of the Moon's surface
and identifying a specific crater will take your focus to an entirely different place.

I've often said that stargazing gives one a different perspective on life, since you actually see the big picture.

Even looking at Majestic Orion, and realizing that the light you are seeing left thousands of years ago is 
pure wonderment.

Stressed out? Take the cure: a dose of stargazing.  It truly works wonders.

Clear Skies,

Ray "destressed" Khan

PS I mentioned yesterday that we have just put Nightscape Celestron CCD imaging cameras on sale.  What I neglected to
    mention is that it's a whopping savings of $444 on each one.  Now if that's not a stress reducing deal, I don't 
    know what is.   Here is the link if you want to check it out: