Subject: A prescription for those poor images through your telescope........

Hello Friend,

The other day, in the store, I was chatting with a customer who had just purchased a New 10" SCT Telescope and was very excited about
getting it home and using it.
Several years ago, we had sold him his first telescope, a smaller reflector, and now he was ready to upgrade to a larger aperture instrument
to observe and image deep sky, so you can imagine he was pretty excited about this.

I happen to ask him what eyepieces he would be using with his new instrument, and he remarked; "Oh, I will use the same ones that
I have with my first instrument, they will fit the new scope".  I queried him as to what those eyepieces were, and while those eyepieces
were ok 10 years ago, with his smaller instrument, they certainly were not going to be satisfactory with the new instrument he was buying.
I explained why: Putting a basic quality eyepiece or barlow, , from an entry level scope into a more advanced, higher quality optical scope,
was the difference between using a Hyundai Pony carbuertor (and what a piece of crap that particular car was btw) onto a 2011 Camaro. Sure, it will work, but you will not be getting the true capabilites that car can deliver.

In my opinion, the Eyepiece is 50% of the Telescope! If you do not put a good quality eyepiece, into a Good quality telescope,
then you simply will not get the performance from that instrument.

Also, this was an older gentleman, and the eye relief on the eyepieces he had, was very poor. So he would also have difficulty looking
through the eyepieces. Eyepiece technology has changed much in the past 10 years! You can now buy some good quality, reasonably priced
eyepieces, that WILL improve your telescopes optical performance.

I suggested, that he would be wise to budget for a set of at least 3 good quality eyepieces (you don't need a lot!) over the next little
while, and add one at a time, and he would see a marked difference. You can thank me later, I said.

Ok, now for some further good news: TeleVue Optics is having a sale, and offering 20% off their eyepiece and Barlow, and powermate line:
Yep, a genuine 20% savings right now! With our strong  Canadian dollar, this is about the best deal you are ever going to get.
And right now, we have a good inventory of them in stock!

So be sure to check this out! Just click here for more details.

Wishing you clear skies,Friend!

Ray Khan

PS Please note, we are closed Monday February 21st Family day, however orders may still be placed online
at our website,