Subject: A Valentines day message for your computerized Telescope, Friend

Hello  Friend,

Computerized telescopes can sometimes be like a fickle Lover.....You just have to tweak them
the right way, to get them to respond the way you want.

Occassionally, we receive emails and phone calls from customers that get frustrated with their
Computerized telescope "not working properly".

Now in some cases, there may indeed be an issue with the equipment itself, Something may be broken
or defective, but more often than not, the problem may lie in one of the following areas:

Unless you own a Meade Lightswitch  SCT model or Celestron SkyProdigy Telescope model, in which case the entire
 star alignment process is done automatically for you, just by flipping a switch then use the checklist below.

Please note, that because there are so many different models and manufactures, this is a general guideline only,
so please read your telescope manual for the specifics.

1)  Have you entered the correct time and date into the hand control?

2) Is the hand control on Daylight savings time, when it should not be?

3) Are you sure, when you are doing a 2 star or 1 star alignment, that you are pointing the
that you are in fact pointing the telescope to the correctly named star? Sometimes, stars
     look very similar, and it's easy to make an alignment error this way. Use a Planisphere or star map to
     verify, if you are not sure.

4) If using a portable power supply, is your power supply fully charged? Computerized scopes can sometimes
    be energy hogs, with all that slewing around, They may act weird, if not operating from a strong power source.

5)Have you recently updated your firmware/software on your telescope? The good news iss that most manufactures
   do not charge for updates to your computers software. All you have to do is go to their website, and follow the
   FREE download of firmware upgrade intructions. You may need to purchase a cable to do this, if your telescope
    was not supplied with one. They usually are not that expensive anyway.

   The above are the most common problems with computerized telescope alignment. If you have any tips that
   you have found to be useful yourself, please send them to us and we will pass them on in a future newsletter.

   Happy Valentines Day!

   Ray Khan

   PS  When all else fails, you can always count on chocolates to brighten your day!


Khan Scope Centre
3243 Dufferin Street
Toronto, Ontario. Canada
M6A 2T2

Toll Free: 1 800 580 7160

Local: 416 783 4140


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24 hour fax: 416 352 1701



Monday to Friday: 10-9pm
Saturday: 10-7pm
Sunday: 11-6pm

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