Subject: A Tornado of a tale

Hello Friend,

Tornadoes ain't fun.

    Imagine my surprise yesterday, when I drove off the ferry in Tobermory, Ontario to head towards
London, Ontario and found out on the radio  that I was heading straight into the path of a possible tornado.

A "tornado watch" as they call it was announced for the area of Hanover (Close to where the annual starparty Starfest is held)
and I happened to be driving  about 15 minutes north of it.

The winds and the rain were something fierce.

I pulled the car over and figured I would wait it out for a few minutes.

It was either that, or try to beat the storm, but I am not keen or prone to speeding through country roads
it's just not worth it.

Watching dark clouds move quickly across the sky, and form into some weird shapes, is really something.

Being in the middle of it? Well frankly, I'd rather be elsewhere.

As it turns out, the tornado actually touched down in a small town called Angus, near Barrie, Ontario.

Bad news for at least 300 folks who live in the area, as a state of emergency was declared and several
homes and families evacuated.

Fortunately, no one was seriously injured.

We sure have had some wacky weather as of late, and I'm sure we have not seen the last of it.

Now the following Celestron Sale is not quite as wacky, but it's on all accounts a pretty good one.

Buy any of the following models of the CPC series of telescopes

And we will include at no extra charge, a self aligning "Celestron Starsense automatic alignment Device' a genuine
$329 value, at no charge.

And I'm not whistling Dixie on that either.

Clear (and Tornado Free) Skies,

Ray Khan

PS This deal ends June 30th.