Subject: A Father's day gift for you

Hello Friend,

If you are a dad, I applaud you. 

It's not an easy job being a father, but the rewards are well worth it.   I'm the proud dad of two wonderful daughters
,and I can tell you the experience of watching them flourish in life has been incredible.

I'd like to take credit for the fact that they are kind, compassionate humans who do a lot of good for others
in this world, but it's all about them being their persons.

My dad passed away several years ago, and I do miss him.  There were so many unspoken things that I never said to him
and I really wish I could turn back the clock of time and tell him.

Many questions that I never got around to asking him.

So, if your dad is still around and even if you are not on the best of terms, I suggest you expend every effort to 
contact him and do your best to make things right if you are able.

Perhaps you don't want to.  But ask yourself down the road might you regret not having at least tried?

None of us would be here without our fathers,  and that in itself is a gift.

The gift of life.

I hope you enjoy your fathers day, and all the good things that come with it.

In the meantime, keep looking up.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan