Subject: 52 years ago today on April 12, 1961 - Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space!

Hello Friend,

Yes, truly Yuri Gagarin was a Space Pioneer.

The first man in Space, and today is the day his legacy is celebrated.  

If you happen to be in Toronto,  and want to participate in the celebration of
this event, this evening,

Speakers will be writer Dan Falk   who will be asking the question:

"Do We Belong in Space?"

and Dr. John Percy, (RASC)  who will present on  " Canada's Astronomers: Science Superstars!"

There will also be some Comedy and of course a cash bar. (Hopefully with some Russian Vodka?)

  here is a link to the venue, The Hotel Ocho, which is at 195  Spadina (Just north of Queen)

BONUS! Enter the code: rascspecial for a $5 discount!

Clear Skies!

Ray Khan

PS Sadly, Gagarin died in a training plane, a  MIG 15 in 1968, that he was piloting.
 Several theories abound, including the  usual conspiracy theories, however nothing was conclusive.
His cremated remains are now buried in the walls of the Kremlin, in Red Square.