Subject: 50 shades of stupidity

Hello Friend,

     The first time I heard about the book '50 shades of grey' was when I walked into the hair salon in our plaza
where our store is located several months ago.

The owner had this set of 3 books, lined up on a shelf, in a box.

    Of course being an avid book reader, I was curious and asked her  what it was about, and if it was any good.

The owner smiled, and then said yes it was very interesting indeed, and was most popular among female readers.

Of course now that the movie has come out, everyone and his brother is talking about it.

       It's one book and movie I'm not likely going to be reading or watching anytime soon frankly.

But here is another story, which I will entitle '50 shades of stupidity'.

      Recently, a customer came into the store looking for an accessory case for his eyepieces. 
He was shown one, and then to ensure that all his eyepieces would fit,  the case was assembled
with plastic eyepiece tubes.

     After about 20 mins, he decided he liked the case and wanted to buy it, and offered $25 for it.

Now here's the problem, Friend.

The price was clearly marked at $65 and he knew this from the beginning.

Of course the answer was no, and he left without purchasing the case.

       He was back this past Sunday, and was looking for a pre-owned good quality TeleVue
eyepiece, which we happened to have in stock, and asked if he could see it.

He was told no, and reminded of what had transpired when he had last came in.

"Oh, but that was last time" he said.


 Poor behaviour generally tends to repeat itself, so we just put a stop to it before it could begin

End of story.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan