Subject: 100 reasons for you to read this email

Hello Friend,

You're busy, so Let's get straight to the point.

Right now we've got 100 items at Sale Prices on our Daily Deals feature.

Yes, that's a lot of stuff.

What it includes are several items that we don't typically offer on sale,
such as Nikon Cameras and lenses for example.

And high-quality magnifying loupes used for gems and minerals, and jewellery.

Plus a slew of other goodies.

So  check it out right here: 

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan 

PS I'd be amiss if I also didn't tell you about Uncle Al from TeleVue's sale.
10% off the BEST eyepieces series that TeleVue makes. ETHOS. 
That sale expires September 19th.
 If you've never used a TeleVue Ethos  eyepiece
well now is your chance to get one of the best at a rare discounted price. 
