Subject:  ,Friend, wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello Friend,

This morning, I woke up early hoping to get a glimpse of some early morning Stars, and take a quick look at the Moon.

It truly gave me an appreciation that  there is much to be thankful for in our beautiful Country of Canada.

Being in the north Country for the Thanksgiving weekend gives one a true sense of what is important.

Sometimes being in the city, we get caught up in the everyday things, such as constant traffic jams, light pollution,
overall busyness. Everyone is busy these days. It's almost become a mantra.

It is nice to take a few minutes, and just be able to enjoy the morning  twilight sky,   (coffee in hand of course).

 Friend,Here is wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving! 


Ray Khan

PS If you are not able to be with loved ones, perhaps giving them a call will be a pleasant and thoughtful surprise to them.

PPS  photo attached was the early morning sky on Manitoulin Island, Ontario. Canada