Subject:  The veil will be unlifted this weekend with some exciting new products this weekend

Hello  Friend,

          Well I am certainly hoping that will be the case.

This weekend is the NEAF (Northeastern Astronomy conference) held in Suffern, New York.

And it's usaully when several manufacturers announce some new products.

I'll wait with baited breath to see what goodies turn up.

We are so lucky today as amateur astronomers to have a plethora of really cool equipment choices
available to us.

It's mind boggling really.

I mean, I can still recall when I was excited about getting a 40mm Celestron Kellner eyepiece back
in the early 1970's.

Sure it sounds silly now, but back then it was a new product. I can still recall the boring grey box it came
in, and the excitement of pulling it out of the paper it was wrapped in.

I tried it on my C8 and was puzzled as to why the field of view was actually smaller than the 25mm standard
kellner that shipped with the telescope.

Turns out the apparent field of view was actually smaller, that's why. It was around 40 degrees, and the 25mm kellner
was closer to 50.

Then someone figured out, I believe it was Clive Gibbons, that if you reversed the base on the eyepiece, it converted
the focal length of the 40mm to a 32mm eyepiece.

And then, if you added a 2x Meade Barlow, you ended up with a "Poor Man's Nagler" eyepiece.

Or something along those lines....

By the way, if you have not upgraded your eyepieces in some time, then you really should consider doing so.

Have at least one good one, so you are motivated to use it and get your telescope out of the closet.

Clear Skies,

Ray "seen it all" Khan

PS  Remember, the telescope is a critical part of your telescope.. No matter how good a quality the instrument,
    if the eyepieces are poor, you won't see squat that's worth looking at.

PPS  We are running some NEAF promotions this weekend, so be sure to check out the website :