Subject:  Stars at the Toronto Film festival

Hello Friend,

There are the astronomical stars and then of course the Hollywood movie stars.

    Several of them are in town for the annual Toronto film festival which is in full
swing right now.

And while I certainly do enjoy movies, and plan to watch a couple during the festival  I
likely would walk right past most movie actors and not recognize them from anyone else.

   In fact, I was at a premiere Saturday night, and apparently one of the Canadian
actresses in the movie seemed to be well known,  judging by audience response.
but I felt sheepish for not having a clue as to who she was, and in fact had never
even heard of her.

   Can't even remember her name. Tsk.

      I have spotted a few on occassion that I did recognize, and we have even had a few
drop into the store once in while.

Once you get talking to them, one on one, they are pretty much like anyone else really.

     Now if you are more into stargazing towards the night sky, and less so towards Hollywood,
then tommorow is the last day of our Meade Instruments sale on Dobsonians.

We've got the Meade Lightbridge Dobsonians on sale right now.

Big Aperture, and Portable to boot.

* 10 inch lightbridge on sale here!
* 12 inch Lightbridge on sale here!
* 16 inch Lightbridge on sale here!

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan