Subject:  Polar vortex? Gimme a break

Hello Friend,

Shiver me timbers!

    Well I can't imagine there is anyone doing much observing right now in Northern Ontario,
with the Polar vortex hanging around these parts.

    In fact, it's just downright cold in many parts of Canada and the northeastern United States.

    If you do go outside to do any kind of observing, it's important to take proper precautions
especially in the winter months.

      Driving to a dark sky location to observe?

      Or to do some imaging?

Make sure you let somebody know where you are going, and when you expect to be back.

        All kinds of things can and do happen.

You might end up in a ditch; your  car/truck may not start up, Friend.

Especially if you are in an isolated area, where it may be a distance to walk to the
nearest property to summon help.

Always a good idea to be carrying an emergency kit as well, consisting of a blanket,
some energy or chocolate bars and water and a candle, flashlight and waterproof matches.

Could actually save your life.

And time is also running out to save  of these two Meade Optical tubes,
which are at bargain prices right now.

If you own any kind of a Gem mount, these can be attached to it with the included
"vixen style" dovetail plate.

  • 6"                                       


    •    8"

    Clear Skies,

    Ray Khan

    PS Think I should have stayed in Barbados where it was on average 28 degrees Celsius