Subject:  Pluto strikes again

Hello Friend,

They tried their best to get rid of it.

Demote it from being a planet.

But  Pluto has got the last laugh in the end.

The latest images that have been released are nothing short of phenomenal.

        If only the late, great Carl Sagan could have been alive to witness this.

He got so many people interested in the night sky, and was one of the few guests on the
Johnny Carson  tonight show, that Johnny would listen carefully to when Carl spoke.

    I remember staying up late just to hear him speak (the days before VCR'S were around).

Of course, if you want to fall asleep now, you just have to listen to a political debate with
our current set of "leaders", such as it was on the CBC last night.

But I digress....

    I have just  received news from our friends at Skywatcher telescopes    

that they are increasing all their prices as of next Tuesday due to the higher cost
 of importing goods, and paying for them in US Dollars.

So now is the time to take action, before it is too late.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Here is the link again: