Subject:  Celestron Advanced VX Telescopes & AVX mount now on sale

Hello Friend,

It looks like signs of Spring are finally starting to show.

(It's -6 in Toronto, and sunny and that's an improvement!)

So it's time to consider dusting off your telescope and getting it ready for better times.

Or possibly it's time to consider trading it in or upgrading it to something that is better suited
to your present needs.

For example, if you are dabbling in astrophotography, this is a great time to be buying the 
Celestron AVX mount as a useful tool. 

It's also on sale right now for $1151, discounted from $1279.

PLUS: If you take advantage of our March Break Free Shipping Promo  (use the discount code: marchbreak)
You will also get FREE Shipping.

There is a more important reason to buy now though and that is that come April 1st, Celestron is increasing their
prices on this mount and all VX telescopes  by 10% so I'm told.  

So at the moment you can get it on sale, plus get Free Shipping.

Come April 1st, it will be no discount and 10% higher to boot.

A kick in the pants if there ever was one.

Also on offer are the entire line of Celestron VX telescopes.

Remember, we also accept trade-ins of your present equipment  as well.  

Finally, there have been rumours in the telescope industry that I have retired
from the telescope business. 

What utter nonsense!  

When I'm ready to do that and pick up a vacuum cleaner instead, I'll be sure
to let you know.
I've been in this industry for close to 40 years now and why quit when you're having fun as they say?

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan