Subject: Friend , Khan scope Boxing Day Sale, December 26th , Starts 9am sharp to 7pm
Any purchase over $200 gets a FREE pair of SkyMentor 8 x 50
Binoculars..with Case, Straps, and dust covers.
Please note, due to manufacture price advertising constraints, many offers will not be listed on our website!
Please email or Call 416 783 4140 or Toll Free 1 800 580 7160 to see if a particular item you are interested
in is on sale.
The Following promotions will also be ending in a few days: Take advantage while we still have stock!
ᅠNexstar 6 SE-$730After $100 Instant Savings!
Nexstar 8 SE-$1049 After $200 Instant Savings!
To order Toll Free,today Call 1 800 580 7160 or Local 416 783 4140
or via secure web server
This offer expires December 31st or while stocks last
JANUARY 1st Manufacture price incease!
All Televue Eyepieces. Powermates, Barlows etc,.. will be going up in price January 1st, in most cases by 10%.
Take advantage of our current low prices, and inventory at current low prices
and FREE SHIPPING offer on all ETHOS, Nagler, Panoptic and NEW Delos Eyepiees
while they are in stock now.
ᅠCelestron CPC ᅠInstant Rebate Promotion!
Offer expires Dec 31st 2011
Save up to $400 on ᅠthe 8", 9.25" or 11"
Celestron CPC Computerized Telescope models now.
For more details or to order Call Toll free 1 800 580 7160
or local 416 783 4140
Meade Instrumentsᅠ HOLIDAY PROMOTION!
This offer expires December 31st 2011.
Buy any Meade LX200 Telescope:ᅠ 8",ᅠ 10", 12" ,14", or 16"
and Meade will send you a FREE Brand New just announced Series 5000 HD Eyepiece kit
which has a Genuine retail Value of $399!
If you have not heard these eyepieces represent Quality, a 60 degree apparent field
of view. Flat and sharp the edge! The set of 6 eyepieces, come in a solid carrying case.
YOu get, 4.5mm, 6.5mm, 9mm, 12mm, 18mm, and 25mm eyepieces.
That is a pretty complete set of lenses for any telescope, when you think about it.
To get your eyepiece kit, you simply send Meade a copy of your invoice and a
form we supply, and you will receive your Free bonus in the mail. Its that simple!
For Meade LX200 Telescope and LX200 models andᅠ prices click here
You don't have to be an expert
to use the Meade ETX 125 Computerized
- ᅠSee Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus
- Hundreds of Lunar Craters
- Many Deep Sky Objects!
- Take it anywhere
eyepiece, & Tripod with Carrying case & Instructional DVD!
Complete package: Only $749.00!
Discover how easy it is! To order, Call Today
1 800 580 7160 or Local 416 783 4140
Now in stock!
ETX 125! A $99. Value
( While supplies last)

This kit includes: 2x Deluxe Barlow
(doubles the power of each eyepiece)
2 Eyepieces: 6mm & 9mm Plossl
Moon Filter
Planetary Filters
Hard shell Carrying case with foam
Thinking about one of the Self'aligning Meade Lightswitch Telescopes?
Well buy andᅠ size of those models, 6 inch or 8 inch and you will get
a FREE 07700 LS 3.5 Inch Color LCD Video Monitor with your purchase.
To get your LCD Monitorᅠ you simply send Meade a copy of your invoice and a
form we supply, and you will receive your Free bonus in the mail.
It's that simple!
For prices click here; LX90, or LT series of Instruments. Or the Lightbridge Dobsonians
Questions ? or to place an order, just give us a call:ᅠ Toll Free 1 800 580 7160 or Local 416 783 4140
Trade what you have for
Trade ins will be accepted during Boxing Day Event!
"Like" us on Facebook and enter to
WIN a FREE Home planetarium system!
Khan Scope Centre
Local : 416 783 4140
Toll Free Line: 1 800 580 7160
Fax: 416 352 1701
Retail Store:
3243 Dufferin Street
Toronto, Ontario. Canada
Open 7 days a week-Extended Holiday Hours
9-9 Mon to Fri. Sat: 10-7 Sun: 11-6