Subject: Friend, Kenanga Telco Sector Outlook: Game Changing Regulatory Changes in the Telco Sector!😎

Friend, Kenanga Telco Sector Outlook: Game Changing Regulatory Changes in the Telco Sector!😎

November 10th, 2023 at 5:00 pm +08

Hi Friend, In recent years, regulatory changes in the Telecommunications sector have changed the landscape for mobile players, starting with implementation of the Single Wholesale Network model. Moving forward, as we enter into the looming execution ...

Friend, Kenanga Technology Sector Outlook: Is The Worst Over?😎

October 19th, 2023 at 12:30 pm +08

Hi Friend, As we navigate through the prolonged downturn in the Technology sector, a few questions loom large: Have we finally hit rock bottom and begun to turn the corner? Will we reap the rewards of the growing adoption of AI? Join us for this sess ...

Friend, Kenanga Banking Sector Outlook: Seasonal Trading or Resilient Investment?😎

September 8th, 2023 at 12:30 pm +08

Hi Friend, The banking sector continues to stay in the limelight but for all the wrong reasons earlier this year with the failures of several US banks and Credit Suisse. So far, banking stocks have been mostly able to regain lost ground from past sel ...

Friend, Oil & Gas Sector Outlook - Where Do We Go From Here?

April 6th, 2023 at 8:00 pm +08

Hi Friend, Oil prices have seen some volatility recently. Ever since breaking above the USD100/barrel-mark last year, oil prices have been steadily trading at a downtrend, with it currently trading around the USD70-80/barrel level. Does this mean tha ...

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