Subject: SILVER SELLER--Quick - Only 5 Slots Left

You're getting this because you bought from me (thanks!), or
subscribed to the Lotto Affiliate Center newsletter. You can see
past issues at Enjoy & Sell

Hi again,

Since yesterday's "Silver Seller" newsletter there have been
several people who wanted to get a Lotto Mini-Website. They were
quite vocal in their demands! :)

So I've relented, and opened up just 5 slots for the website
- for a short time only.

If you get over to right now, you
could have your own website in less than 48 hours.

And don't forget to sign up to ClickBank (Step 2 in the order
box) and email that to me - it will save you a lot of time.

I'll be putting this offer on my main Lotto-Tips newsletter
later this morning, so don't delay!

Happy selling!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
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