Subject: SILVER SELLER-- New Name, Unlimited Market

You're getting this because you bought from me (thanks!), or
subscribed to the Lotto Affiliate Center newsletter. You can see
past issues at Enjoy & Sell

Hi again,

I've repositioned the SlimWinner Plan, and now aimed it at the
over-40s diet crowd.

This is a huge market, full of stressed career builders and baby
boomers... all getting fatter because of their lifestyle and
hidden fattening factors in their food.

What this basically means is that I've rewritten the original
SlimWinner Plan to appeal to the over 40s, and renamed it the
"Fat Loss After 40" Plan: You'll
see it's quite different.

Because it hits a specific target market - the 40's to 60+ -
you're sure to get a better success rate as an affiliate.

If you haven't already bought the SlimWinner Plan, buy the "Fat
Loss After 40" Plan. It's almost the same. You need this to be
able to better sell it to your email list, on your website or in
forum posts.

Don't underestimate the need for knowing your product inside
out. It makes you immediately knowledgeable so that you can
answer questions from forum posts and other curious prospects.

That means you need to have the product sitting on your screen
so that you can refer to it whenever you need it. (But of course
you can't reveal the diet... just the concept).

The new affiliate site for the "Fat Loss After 40" Plan is here: I will add parts to it

Take a look. Providing and selling Fat Loss information to this
segment of the population... an enormous group of tens of
millions of plump prospects who can't lose weight... is

And you now get 60% commission!

Do this:

1. Buy here:
2. Affiliates:

Happy selling!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
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