Subject: SILVER SELLER--Lotto Mini-Website and SlimWinner Plan

You're getting this because you bought from me (thanks!), or
subscribed to the Lotto Affiliate Center newsletter. You can see
past issues at Enjoy & Sell

Hi again,

First, for affiliates who bought my Lotto Mini-Website.

While I've discontinued them right now because of the big set-up
time for me, they are still running well and continue to make a
profit for the lucky owners.

Since I launched the concept some months back, Lotto
Mini-Websites have now signed up 20,979 subscribers to my Daily
Lotto Tips newsletter.

That's where sales come from... lots of subscribers from your
mini-site who WILL buy my system eventually... and reward you
with 60% of sales.

So don't forget to promote the heck out of them. Have you used
the tips in my "Free Traffic Revealed" manual? Get it at

And if you were among those unlucky in getting a Lotto
Mini-Website, stay subscribed here. When I find a way to produce
these more efficiently, they'll be launched again!

And I'll have further good news on the new "SlimWinner Plan"
which I launched this week:

There is a huge and growing market for this - maybe even more than
lotto (where 70% of most Western countries play each week).

I'll be releasing details soon on how you can make this a real
affiliate winner.

Happy selling!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
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