Subject: My Wife Laughed When She Picked Up The Phone...

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My wife and I will be celebrating our 6th year in our new home
this year.

When the anniversary date popped up on my screen this
morning, it brought back a lot of memories.

I had been planning for this house for a long time - without
knowing about it.

Let me explain...

We replaced our TV in our old home, and I
insisted on the largest plasma screen I could possibly buy,
a massive 50" (it was big back then) Panasonic.

It looked ridiculously large in the small lounge of our previous

It overpowered the room. We were embarrassed when visitors
came, even though they enjoyed the wow factor.

And I bought a PABX phone system, just like the one that small
businesses have - even though we could shout anywhere from any
part of our small house and be heard.

All over-the-top behavior!

But this was preparing for my dream.

I was preparing for the next house... a house I imagined would be
so big that all these extravagant items I had bought in advance
would be essential.

Guess what? We shifted into that exact house of my dreams.

The previously large TV became smaller - it was dwarfed by the
large living room and fitted right in perfectly.

I updated it a couple of years ago to a 65" and that is just right.

When we moved in, my wife laughed when I picked up the phone
and buzzed her in the living room from my downstairs home office,
a 20 second walk away.

No kidding - now we find it's an essential way of communicating
in this large place.

I didn't mind her ribbing me. It was my dream come true.

What's this all got to do with Lotto?

I prepared for my dream home in the same way I prepare for
winning lotto by using a proven system that works - even though I
don't know what the outcome will be.

Just like my TV and phone system.

And every once in a while, lotto gives me a pleasant surprise.

So the answer is quite simple really...

1. Prepare for your winning success with a powerful dream. Pull
out all the stops... you can have everything you want if you just
imagine it in advance.

2. Prepare for that success by using a successful system, and you
may get a surprise, like Trevour:

Hi Ken,
I finally broke down and bought your book...still
thinking it was a big s-c-a-m, but curiosity got
the better of me. all This week, we won $455.50
in Lottario on the Early Bird draw. I know it
doesn't sound like much, but it's more than we've
ever won before (with other systems). Our total
winnings over the last 2 weeks have been $485.50...!

I have great confidence in your system and have
a very strong déjà vu about the whole thing. I
understand the concept of 'buying into the game'
and the other strategies you've provided. Your
system is ultimately 'logical' - well, as logical
as the laws of random can possibly be.

Thanks, Ken! I'm off to collect my winnings...
Trevour in Ottawa

These are the steps you need to take today to hugely increase
your winnings using my world-beating lotto system:

Step 1:
Buy my Silver Lotto System. You get it on your screen in less
than a minute. Special discount today:

Step 2:
Get going fast without working out the numbers. Buy my instant
Customized Lotto Numbers. (You'll need the Silver Lotto System
first). Go here to check if your game is available:

And if you play Powerball (USA or Australia), go here:

Step 3:
Use my Lotto-80 Predictive Play System to tell you when to play
each week:

Step 4:
Join my Winner's Circle Lotto Syndicate:

Make Every Play Day A PAY Day!

Ken Silver
"20 Years Helping People Win Since 1991"

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ABOUT ME: Ken Silver

I'm one of the early e-commerce adopters, selling my ebooks online since 1995 and helping others achieve success through my top-selling Silver Lotto System, a unique program which I developed in 1991. There are hundreds of testimonials on my websites which prove that anyone can win a lottery prize in almost every game using my systems.

I've also written several top-selling ebooks in other markets, including the million-seller "eBook Secrets."

If you have bought one of my systems and want to resell my products, see my Affiliate Center at There's a heap of info and tools to use there. Recently I increased the selling commission rate for affiliates to 75% - the highest commission currently available.

Copyright ©2011 Ken Silver
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