Subject: LOTTO-TIPS--Friend, a Once-In-A-Lifetime Offer...

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Freee Draw
Each issue I give away a copy of my Silver Lotto System in a draw - but to Lotto-Tips subscribers only. And if you've bought my system already, then you get your full payment returned! So stay subscribed, and keep reading to see whether it's YOU today.

Hi Friend,

Maybe you've heard of John Reese.

Yup - he's the guy last year that made $1 million in 24 hours through selling a single product. Amazing.

Established some sort of record that hasn't been broken yet.

Now he's pulling this product off the market, but offering it to a select number of resellers... and I'm one of them.

The best thing is the price - a fraction of the $1,000 price he put on his material.

Look, if you want to boost your traffic in any way - if you have a blog, website, mailing list... this is the one resource you should definitely have. It's acknowledged as the most complete information on building traffic there is.

I'm going to let John tell you more about it here, but I suggest you get in quick - I'm buying one and there are only a few left. It's a large package that has to be delivered by courier - not an ebook.


John says:

"It's finally time to say "goodbye" to a well-known Internet Marketing friend...

"Traffic Secrets"

I'm talking about my 'famous' home study course on web site traffic generation and all things Internet Marketing...

The massive (10) DVD, (5) CD-Rom, and over 400 pages of hard-hitting online marketing strategies course.

The same course that shocked the Internet and produced the first known "Million Dollar Day" and has been 'talked about' more than any other Internet Marketing course in history.

(Just do a Google search for "Traffic Secrets" and see for yourself.)


No one in the world can buy it now. You can go to the web site at and see for yourself.


(Then keep reading.)

This course is arguably the greatest training course in Internet Marketing history up until this point. I'd put the success stories that Traffic Secrets has produced up against those of ANY other Internet Marketing course in a heartbeat. Because I know first-hand about the wealth that Traffic Secrets has produced for just 'some' of the people that have used it -- I can only imagine how much wealth has been built by all the people that have been exposed to it. I imagine that number is MASSIVE.

* There's a reason almost every Internet marketing expert or "guru" has recommended Traffic Secrets at one point or another. It became the "Bible" of Internet Marketing.
And most marketers agree, Traffic Secrets is a MUST-HAVE for any serious Internet marketers' library.

** Go to any major Internet Marketing discussion forum and do a search for reviews or opinions about Traffic Secrets and you will find out for yourself how nearly 'everyone'
recommends this course for those that can afford it.

If you DON'T already own a copy of this famous course then this may be the most important email you ever receive...

Here's the deal...

I decided to take Traffic Secrets off the market because I will be releasing Traffic Secrets 2.0, an all-new edition sometime this summer. It will be unlike any other traffic generation course ever released. Trust me when I say it's "unbelievable." :-)


Traffic Secrets 2.0 will ONLY focus on traffic generation strategies.

The original Traffic Secrets course, as most people know, wasn't just about generating traffic to a web site. It covered Internet Marketing from A-To-Z. It taught valuable strategies on how to become successful with Affiliate Marketing, List Building, Testing & Tracking, Conversion Tactics, InfoProducts, Outsourcing, Autoresponder Tricks, and a lot more.

The original course could take anyone and help them become successful online. It was a complete training product.



Traffic Secrets has sold for $1,000 ($997 actually) ever since it was released. And it has *NEVER* been sold for one penny less. Ever.

Thousands upon thousands of people have purchased Traffic Secrets and have gladly paid $1,000 for it.

* It's been one of the best-selling Internet Marketing courses of all-time.

BUT... a lot of marketers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners missed out on this valuable course because the $1,000 pricetag was just too high for them.

Used copies (sometimes incomplete ones) have been successfully sold on eBay for $500 to $750.

* Just in the past couple of weeks I saw one sell for $585. You can go to eBay and research the 'closed' auctions and find it for yourself.


I have pulled the course off the market. It is no longer being sold from the web site as I mentioned at the beginning of this email. I have no plans to ever sell this original version ever again...

However, we still have a bunch of copies of the course in our inventory. And we need to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Once they are gone, that's it. We don't have any plans to make any additional copies ever again. It's history.

So here's the 'crazy' thing I have decided to do...

Since so many people have contacted us in the past and 'begged' us to offer Traffic Secrets somehow at a lower price, we're going to do it.

Again, this is the ONLY time we've ever offered this course below the $1,000 original price that thousands of others have happily paid.

So I originally decided to slash the price by 50% OFF and offer these remaining copies for $500. BUT...

Then I changed my mind.

I figured...

"Why not make it a real NO-BRAINER price?"

(Because we need to clear out this remaining inventory FAST.)

So I made a final decision...


That's the "blow-out" price I have decided on.

Want a copy for yourself? You can grab one for $377.
BUT only if you submit an order while we still have a copy available for you. (More on that in a second.)


Here's some other news...

Anyone that owns an original copy of Traffic Secrets (that was purchased directly from me) will get a BIG DISCOUNT when Traffic Secrets 2.0 is released this summer.

So if you bought a copy of Traffic Secrets in the past you're going to get this special discount.

If you don't already own a copy of Traffic Secrets and you are lucky enough to grab one of the remaining copies for $377, you'll also qualify for the huge discount off Traffic Secrets 2.0.


Pay close attention... once it's gone, it's gone FOREVER.

* Each course will also include two "Automatic Email Profits" DVDs that were once offered as a special bonus in the past but was removed from the main course offer. We have some in inventory and are going to give them away with each $377 order. (While supplies last.)

If you would like your own copy of Traffic Secrets for $377 (and the special discount for TS 2.0) please go to



Who knows! :-)

Hehe. I'm actually being serious. And this isn't some kind of marketing gimmick. Heck, you know me by now, I don't do business with all that "hype" and crap like a lot of other marketers do online... anyway...

My staff hasn't been able to get a precise inventory count yet because the course is sold as a "kit."
What this means is that our fulfillment center assembles each course order with all of the components -- the manuals, the hand-outs, the CD-Roms, the DVDs, etc. Some of the CDs and DVDs end up with cracked cases and get slightly damaged. We don't want to sell any of those to our customers -- we destroy those.

So that affects the overall number of course kits we can assemble -- because if one piece is broken it wipes out an entire course; because we order the same number of components to be made each time we do a re-order run. Yadda yadda yadda...

I estimate that we had about 3 months worth of inventory when I pulled the plug on the site. But I expect this remaining group of courses to sell out FAST because of the ridiculous $377 price.

Once these courses are gone they're gone.

If we receive any order that we are unable to fulfill we will issue an immediate full refund.

* NOTE: I am unable to play "favorites" so please don't contact our staff and ask us to put aside a copy for you. That wouldn't be fair to everyone else.
(Thanks in advance.)

Go to the site *RIGHT NOW* and join the list if you want your copy of Traffic Secrets (and the Bonus DVDs) for $377:

And stay tuned for Traffic Secrets 2.0 which will be due out very soon!

"Good Luck" to everyone that wants one of the $377 courses.

Yours For Online Profits,

John Reese


About Winning
Buy all of these winning tools today and hugely increase your chances of success:
My Silver Lotto System:
My Customized Lotto Numbers (excellent quick start for your game):
My Powerball System (USA and Australia):
My Lotto Syndicate (no work needed!):
My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System:

My Lotto Mini-Website oppportunity:

New - no-cost manual: "Lotto Secrets Revealed" (for essential extra knowledge):

Also take a look at my blog at

The Silver Lotto System Draw was won today by sall******* Congratulations!

Pass It Forward
If you think this article will be useful to your friends, or you know someone who would benefit with the information in this message, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. (And don't worry, they won't get anything more from me - they have to sign up for that).

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners"
Silver Lotto System founder, since 1991
Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!)