Subject: LOTTO-TIPS--Friend, how to play lotto for freeeee!

Got a question or comment? Don't reply to this newsletter - contact me through my new Support web page:

Each issue I give away a copy of my Honest Lotto System in a draw - but to Lotto-Tips subscribers only. And if you've bought my system already, then you get your full payment returned! So stay subscribed, and keep reading to see whether it's YOU today.

Hi Friend,

Ken at your screen again.

Have you seen my cool little searchbox at You enter any topic or product you're interested in, and get targeted 'how-to' information about it. Better than Google because you don't have to search through gazillions of results to find what you're looking for.

Also, visit to get my freee "Lotto Secrets Revealed" manual - then tell a friend about it. I bet they'll thank you for it--especially if they buy my system and hit the jackpot!


Got another email this morning from a reader about some lottery winning advice she's received out of the blue. The message says she has won a large amount of money, and asked for a "processing fee" to claim it.

I told her - don't do it.

Alarm bells should go off in everyone's head at this information, but some people are confused by the official looking correspondence.

These emails are part of a flood of bogus hoaxes. Like the ongoing chain emails still going round, I can't believe that anyone could fall for them, but apparently they do.

The rest of the email asks you to send personal details to confirm and "file the claim." If you do, their reply email usually asks you to send anything from $20 to a larger amount as a processing fee to get the win sent to you.

Again, don't do it, of course. You won't see your money again - or any winnings either.

And don't reply either. Just biff it.

But don't get discouraged... there is a way to play lotto for nothing AND get that guaranteed payout. Researcher Andrew Allemann gives you the solution in his revealing manual: "Freee Lotteries Guide" at my website:

This low-cost manual opens your door of knowledge to online freee lotteries. It tells how you can find the best games to play--and warns you against others you shouldn't touch.

And I personally endorse it as the best around. I have been selling his manual for nearly 2 years, and Andrew updates it regularly for freee, so you'll have no problems with its authenticity. (And Andrew is a real nice guy too, if you needed to know!)

Winning is all about patience and persistence, setting goals and bouncing back from defeat... all essential ways of succeeding in the exciting game of lotto. Buy all of these winning tools today and hugely increase your chances of success:
My Honest Lotto System (lowest price ever today!):
My Customized Lotto Numbers (excellent quick start for your game):
My Powerball System (USA and Australia):
My Lotto Syndicate (no work needed!):
My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System:

My Lotto Mini-Website oppportunity:

New - no-cost manual: "Lotto Secrets Revealed" (for essential extra knowledge):

The Honest Lotto System Draw was won today by trev******** Congratulations!

If you think this article will be useful to your friends, or you know someone who would benefit with the information in this message, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. (And don't worry, they won't get anything more from me - they have to sign up for that).

Did you know you can see these newsletter articles and back issues on my blog?
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Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners"
Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991
Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!)