Subject: LOTTO-TIPS--Friend, Quick Question--How Lucky Are You?

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Each issue I give away a copy of my Honest Lotto System in a draw - but to Lotto-Tips subscribers only. And if you've bought my system already, then you get your full payment returned! So stay subscribed, and keep reading to see whether it's YOU today.

Hi Friend,

Ken at your screen again.

Visit to get my freee 55-page "Lotto Secrets Revealed" manual - then tell a friend about it. I bet they'll thank you for it--especially if they buy my system and hit the jackpot!


Did you know there's a book written about getting good luck? It's called "The Luck Factor."

Written by Dr Richard Wiseman, it talks about how you can improve your luck by up to 40% and more.

Now, the Honest Lotto System works on a large percentage of fact, and a tiny percentage of luck. While these figures are hard to gauge, it could be 99% fact and 1% luck.

While the luck factor is small, it still could mean the difference between winning the Big One, or winning a smaller prize.

So, how can you increase your luck to win more?

Based on Dr Wiseman (what a great surname!) and his findings, you can do this:

1) Play more games.
Richard Wiseman found that people who did more
activity improved their luck dramatically. So
make sure you play as many lines as you can
afford. Playing 5 lines in 20 games a week is
not the best way... instead, play 100 lines in
1 game for the same outgo, and get top results.

2) Reduce your losing chances.
The Honest Lotto System does that for you by
giving you a way to cut out the losing numbers
in most lotto games in the world. That's the
way my system works. And it doesn't matter
whether you play in Britain, Europe, USA,
Australia, Asia... the Honest Lotto System
works anywhere for games that have numbers up
to 69.

3) Don't worry about money you've lost.
According to the book, lucky people distract
themselves after a spell of bad luck by going
to the gym, watching a funny film, listening to
music, visiting friends. These physical
activities speed up the sense of loss and get
it out of the way quicker so they can move on.
Loss is all part of playing lotto, so you need
to stay encouraged and positive all the time
through action.

4) Ignore superstition.
The book showed that lucky people were less
superstitious than unlucky people. So if you
think you shouldn't buy a lotto ticket because
a black cat crossed your path, go ahead and buy
one anyway. Cats can't control your luck - only
you can. Yet it's amazing how many players select
a group of numbers by avoiding 13 or playing a
birthday date. None of this has any usefulness
except to reduce their chances of winning.

5) Persist, persist!
This is my favorite. In earlier newsletters I've
talked about how keeping going is the most
important part of using my lotto system. Most
people don't have the foresight to plan ahead,
and give up too soon. My winning plan is based
on the next 10 years of playing and providing
information to my Honest Lotto System enthusiasts
(you ARE one, right?) That's a long-term plan
that over-rides any short term problems. Most
successful people have this attitude. Do you?

Winning is all about patience and persistence, setting goals and bouncing back from defeat... all essential ways of succeeding in the exciting game of lotto. Buy all of these winning tools today and hugely increase your chances of success:
My Honest Lotto System (lowest price ever today!):
My Customized Lotto Numbers (excellent quick start for your game):
My Powerball System (USA and Australia):
My Lotto Syndicate (no work needed!):
My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System:

My Lotto Mini-Website oppportunity:

New - no-cost manual: "Lotto Secrets Revealed" (for essential extra knowledge):

The Honest Lotto System Draw was won today by silf******* Congratulations!

If you think this article will be useful to your friends, or you know someone who would benefit with the information in this message, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. (And don't worry, they won't get anything more from me - they have to sign up for that).

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Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners"
Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991
Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!)