Subject: LOTTO-TIPS--Friend, My Neighbor Crashed--And Guess What?

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Each issue I give away a copy of my Honest Lotto System in a draw - but to Lotto-Tips subscribers only. And if you've bought my system already, then you get your full payment returned! So stay subscribed, and keep reading to see whether it's YOU today.

Hi Friend,

Ken at your screen again.

I'm putting up the price of my popular Lotto Mini-Website system to $97 shortly, but till then you can get it for just $47. Take a look at why it's the best business you can have without even needing a website of your own:

Then visit to get my freee 55-page "Lotto Secrets Revealed" manual - and tell a friend about it. I bet they'll thank you for it--especially if they buy my system and hit the jackpot!


My next-door neighbor, Lindsay, is a motorcycling fanatic. He's been riding for over 30 years now, and owns an Italian-built Ducati.

At least he did until a week or two ago.

He crashed it through a moment of inattention while taking a corner.

Everyone who viewed the wreckage was amazed that he managed to walk away. There were bits and pieces of his expensive cycle strewn all over the road. He managed to escape with just a bruise or two and a pulled shoulder. Very lucky man.

In fact, so lucky, that when someone suggested he go out and buy a lotto ticket, he bought five of them.

A lot of people do this.

I guess it's a natural reaction.

But it doesn't do an ounce of good. That's because the action is based on superstition. There is no way that your odds will improve simply because you had a narrow escape. It may feel reassuring to celebrate your success, but there is no proof that it will change anything.

It's vitally important to look at playing lotto with some intelligence. Forget luck... it only plays a small part. And superstition plays no part of all.

You need the benefits of a proven system.

Needless to say, my neighbor didn't win a cent.

But there are many people who were very pleased he is alive, and that's the best part for everyone.

Avoid the experience of any future life-threatening narrow escape, and get your lotto system now.

Winning is all about patience and persistence, setting goals and bouncing back from defeat... all essential ways of succeeding in the exciting game of lotto. Buy all of these winning tools today and hugely increase your chances of success:
My Honest Lotto System (lowest price ever today!):
My Customized Lotto Numbers (excellent quick start for your game):
My Powerball System (USA and Australia):
My Lotto Syndicate (no work needed!):
My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System:

My Lotto Mini-Website oppportunity:

New - no-cost manual: "Lotto Secrets Revealed" (for essential extra knowledge):

The Honest Lotto System Draw was won today by sanf******* Congratulations!

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Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners"
Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991
Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!)