Subject: LOTTO-TIPS--Friend, If Geena Can Do it...

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Freee Draw
Each issue I give away a copy of my Silver Lotto System in a draw - but to Lotto-Tips subscribers only. And if you've bought my system already, then you get your full payment returned! So stay subscribed, and keep reading to see whether it's YOU today.

Hi Friend,

Ken at your screen again...

What are you buying my Silver Lotto System for?

Is it to win many millions of dollars in one lump sum?

I'm guessing it is. Because that's the aim of all of us here... to win the largest amount possible in the quickest time, so we can live in style for the rest of our lives.

But hang on...

There's only a few thousand people each week around the world who take the giant prizes. You may be the lucky one among them. But even with the advantage my system gives you - it could take a while. So why use my system at all?

Let me show you the hidden advantage you should be using the Silver Lotto System for - in just two words...

>> Frequent winnings <<

That's right - lots of regular, smaller wins while you wait for the Big One to come along.

Many of my buyers who write to me each week tell me of winning frequent amounts. Each win by itself doesn't seem much - it may be just a few hundred or a few thousand dollars.

But what each win shows is that the system is working. And eventually - maybe sooner than later, the Silver Lotto System will put you into a strong position for a larger win.

Read what Geena wrote to me since buying my system. It is a longish story, but it's also exciting and will give you a warm glow!

Dear Ken,

I bought your lotto system in Feb this year - started playing ( in OZ ) around Easter - I generated 5 games of 12.
The first 3 - 4 weeks had small wins nearly every time!
Family & Friends most impressed - better to at least win back your costs .

YESTERDAY ( SUN ) called into the local agency - with son waiting for me in a 10 minute park - first ticket paid $27.15 - at least paid for Sunday papers and a magazine ( just!).
NEXT ticket came up 'MAJOR WINNER" on the machine!
Haven't ever had that ( thought we did have a substantial win 10 YEARS ago - received cheque in mail) at the lotto shop - girl at counter informed me that as "Don't have enough money to pay you here - can you go down to the other shop - as they have to call and find out what you've won"
Talk about heart attack moment!

Anyway - called son told him to park in a longer spot - didn't matter how much I'd won still did not want a parking ticket.
Went down to the other Newsagent where the young girl told me if it was the 1.6mill! would definitely be by cheque!
Had to wait for the telephone call ( meanwhile a small crowd was hearing a bout the "major winner!" in the shop ) had 5 winning numbers - so close!
But pretty darn good to be handed $1349.25 CASH!
Well - think you will be getting MANY MANY people for Queensland ordering your system Ken - could have sold them right in the newsagent - TOLD ALL that would here how I won - next week is the big 25 million super draw and I'm going to add another 5 X 12 games to the entry - you never know!

Even my doubting ( computer programming- maths whiz ) husband has eaten just a bit of humble pie!
Geena ( QLD)
ps - even the news/lotto agent was interested in your system.

That's great news Geena!

Okay, what are you waiting for! You save $50 by buying today:

My Syndicate

Syndicates win more than individuals. Last month 9 Arizona players claimed half of the $94.2 Million Powerball Jackpot. My Winner's Circle is a syndicate you can join anytime, and takes the effort out of your playing. Save a bunch of playing money too. There are only a few places left for the current syndicate:

About Winning
Winning is all about persistence, setting goals and bouncing back from defeat... all essential ways of succeeding in the exciting game of lotto. Buy all of these winning tools today and hugely increase your chances of success:
My Silver Lotto System:
My Customized Lotto Numbers (excellent quick start for your game):
My Powerball System (USA and Australia):
My Lotto Syndicate (no work needed!):
My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System:

My Lotto Mini-Website oppportunity:

New - no-cost manual: "Lotto Secrets Revealed" (for essential extra knowledge):

The Silver Lotto System Draw was won today by kss****** Congratulations!

Pass It Forward
If you think this article will be useful to your friends, or you know someone who would benefit with the information in this message, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. (And don't worry, they won't get anything more from me - they have to sign up for that).

Did you know you can see more lotto winning articles (with pretty pictures too!) on my blog? I've been posting since 2005.
Go to:

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners"
Silver Lotto System founder, since 1991
Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!)